Been enjoying the sunshine and the heat we had for two
days (it's been miserable weather here the entire June)
but today it was back to rain and wind.
On crappy days like these I run errands, watch movies
and crafting and that's pretty much sums up what I've
actually done today.
Had a whole bunch of packages to send and while I was
in town I had a scout in my favorite charity shop.
This is what I've got...

And as usual, click on the images for larger view.

Babyliss Trevor Sorbie Ceramic Straightening Irons, £3.
I got way too much hair and it's very long so for me to curl it with
a slim curler would take a day and a half so
this come in handy.
Gift from my man.

1950's necklace, £1.50.
Need an extension chain but that's an easy fix.
Gift from my man.

Vintage velvet capri pants, £2.
Vintage sarong skirt, £1.
Uh, I got a bit of junk in my trunk at the moment, I need to get
focused on training again...

Closeup on the print.