snail mail on Saturday just gone (yes, we do get
mail even on Saturday over here) and it's my latest
eBay find and I do mean find, I paid £13!!!
It's a bit too big for me and as I alter it I might even
turn it into a wiggle dress because the shape isn't
very flattering on me since I'm short.
Can't wait for the right party to wear it!

Click on the image for a larger view.
And I got the right heels and handbag to go with it...

These darlings cost me £1 at a car boot sales and they
look like they were made for this dress.

And this 1950's clutch bag was one of the first things I got
when I started going to car boot sales four years ago.
This one cost me £3.

And here's what it looks like on the inside.
£17 ($27/€19/175 Kr) for an entire vintage (or at least
mostly vintage) evening outfit isn't too bad.
I'm leaving the bling behind because the outfit doesn't
need more sparkle.
But if I would my first choise would be the Coro set I
got for Valentines.